2022 Resolutions

The beginning of a new year is often thought of as a blank slate, the perfect opportunity to improve ourselves and chase our dreams. People sometimes feel defeated if they struggle to follow through with New Year’s resolutions, but fortunately, there are constructive and encouraging ways to set and achieve intentions:

Take the pressure off.  Establishing goals isn’t a practice limited to January 1st – we have a chance every day to decide whether we’re fulfilled by our current path, or want to seek out new challenges. If you do begin the year by making resolutions, picking realistic and manageable objectives will help you feel confident and purposeful, rather than pressured.

Allow room to improve. It can be tempting to make huge, all-or-nothing resolutions while caught up in holiday excitement, but small steps lead to sustainable change. In terms of two common goals, setting a monthly target for savings or weight loss can be more attainable (and less overwhelming) than focusing on the overall amount of money to be saved, or number of pounds to be lost. Another good strategy is consistently implementing simple, effective habits. These could include using a meditation app regularly, walking for 45 minutes every day, limiting weekly coffee purchases, and creating and staying within a budget.

Stay the course. New Year’s resolutions often fall by the wayside. By recognizing that as normal, and adjusting your goals as needed, you can get back on track and see positive results!

Have a happy and healthy new year! Wishing you more success than stress in 2022.

Leigh Wood Landry
Special Needs Inclusion and Parenting Support Specialist