5 Tips to Feel at Home After a Move

By Alice Joseph

Military family life involves lots of moving. Every few years, you pack up your things and move to a new life. When you get to your new place, it takes time and energy to make your new house a home. Here are some tips to help you feel at home as quickly as possible after a move.

1. Find out about your new region

Finding out about the cultural and historical aspects of the area will help you feel a bit more at home. By knowing the history, social and cultural environment, you will feel a little less out of place and a little more like you belong.

2. Unpack your things

To feel at home in your new place quickly, unpack your things. The sooner you put everything in its place, the sooner you can get your life back to normal. Don’t wait weeks to unpack the last box and to decorate the least rooms in the house. It’s a lot of work when you first arrive, but your morale will thank you for it. At worst, you can redecorate later if you decide you don’t like the layout anymore. By unpacking quickly, you’ll feel more at home and less like you’re just passing through.

3. Get involved locally

Once you’ve unpacked all your things, it’ll be easy to feel at home in your new place, but you’ll still have a few things to do, like integrating into your new community. Here are some tips to make it easier: sign yourself and/or your kids up for activities organized by local organizations; do volunteer work; and go to the neighbourhood party. That way, you’ll meet new people who will probably become your friends.

4. Invite people over

Hosting is also a good way to feel at home more quickly. Whether you want to invite your new neighbours over for a barbecue this summer or to have your friends or family to stay for a weekend, hosting people at your place will make it feel more like home.

5. Give it time

Remember that it takes about a year and a half to build up a new social network in a new place. Be patient with yourself and look at every little step like one more step in the right direction.

Now that you have all these tips under your belt, you’re ready to calmly take on your next move.