A Resource for Cultural Foods Around CFB Kingston


Health Promotion Kingston is committed to creating a comfortable and accountable space for CAF community members who identify as Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous, and/or as People of Colour (QTBIPoC) to feel safe, to create community, to be empowered, to celebrate their identity and to flourish. Food is a part of that.    

This page features a curation of shopping tips and interactive maps to connect QTBIPoC military communities with tailored places, spaces and businesses that encourage identity and community building to inspire celebration, empowerment and validation in your lived experiences.  

This list was developed by the Queen’s University Yellow House Community and mirrored for the CAF community with endorsement from the Yellow House team.   

“I think the sense of belonging does give you a certain amount of mental satisfaction.”

Khushwant Singh  

We know it can be tough when CAF members move to Kingston to figure out where to buy groceries that might not be found in your average grocery store.  

The Military life involves a lot of mobility and moving and most of us can relate to that feeling of being homesick or missing an area we’ve previously lived in. It’s also incredible how quickly food can transport us back into that feeling of comfort and home but finding those foods in a place can also be a challenge!  

Click HERE to locate the resource on our website.  

Check out the Health Promotion calendar below to see what is happening in May!