Active Living Thieves!

The holiday season is once again rapidly approaching and at this time of year many people make New Year’s resolutions aimed at improving their quality of life. Congratulations! This is a great idea for all of us regardless of how healthy we think our lifestyles are.  Here are some active living suggestions to add to your New Year’s resolution list:

  1. Start a life of organized crime by becoming an exercise thief. Exercise thieves are always looking for opportunities to steal some exercise in their busy lives.  They get their steps in while they shop; they use the time between flights to walk around the airport; they take the stairs and not the elevator and they take their children to hockey practice and go for a run while the other parents freeze to death watching from the stands. When you start looking at the world from this perspective even the busiest people find the time they need to exercise regularly.
  2. Walk a minimum of 10,000 steps/day and don’t let bad weather stop you. If the weather is truly horrible, stay indoors and do your walking in a shopping mall, on an indoor track, on a treadmill or in the building you work in.
  3. Once or twice daily, spend 5 minutes doing core strengthening exercises. Do plank or push-ups hands on your desk, sideway planks on the floor or simple squats bringing your arms up as you go down! All great exercises for your back!
  4. Regularly take your partner, children, friends or your dog out for some exercise – the chances are their bodies need this as much as your body does. This doesn’t have to be an Olympic intensity workout, it could be something as simple as riding your bikes to the grocery store or enjoying a free skate.  The important issue is for all of you to get moving.
  5. Try something “New” in the New Year – give yoga a try, check out your local curling club, learn to swim, skate or ride a bike, try old timers soccer, etc. Learning new skills is an excellent way to help you remain active throughout your life.

Happy holidays and remember that “Exercise is Medicine!”

Health Promotion Team


Begin the New Year with a fresh start to your health and wellness: Register for the Weight Wellness Lifestyle Program today!

The WWLP is based on Canada’s Food Guide and does not include gimmicks and false promises around weight loss. It is designed to give participants the opportunity to learn realistic ways to lose weight and keep it off. Participants will learn to adjust portion sizes, understand and interpret nutrition labels and restaurant menus, along with developing a physical activity plan to boost their metabolism. Participants will get the lowdown on healthy meal planning and snacks and how to man­age hunger and food cravings. We are especially lucky here at Garrison Kingston to be able to offer the WWLP in partnership with Fitness Staff who lead a weekly physical activity session.

To register visit,, click on Adults>Health>Health Promotion

All Strengthening the Forces programs and workshops are open to military personnel (Reg and Res Force), retired military personnel AND their spouses. Where space and resources allow, DND and NPF civilian employees are welcome to participate.




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