Adjusting to Parenthood

Women and men struggling to adjust to parenthood are not alone. According to recent research by KFL&A Public Health, one in five new mothers and one in ten new fathers may experience Perinatal Mood Disorders in the first year of their baby’s life. These mood changes might include anger, sadness, lack of interest in activities that are normally enjoyed, feelings of guilt, worry, and changes to eating habits and sleep.

The right supports can help struggling parents move from surviving…to thriving! Talking with a family health care provider, connecting with community resources and fellow new parents, spending time with loved ones, enjoying a healthy diet and taking opportunities to rest, can all make a positive difference for new parents.

Helpful resources in our community include Child and Babytalk drop-ins. These free programs, offered at EarlyON playgroups throughout the KFL&A area, offer the opportunity to meet a public health nurse and receive information about maternal, infant and child health; breastfeeding; sleep routines; nutrition; and more. Further information and support can be discovered by calling the Child and Babytalk Phone Line, (613) 549-1154 or visiting Child & Babytalk in KFL&A at