Advent Calendars

Many Advent calendars offer a daily treat such as chocolate, a toy, or olive oil from December 1st-24th…but there are many ways to think outside the gift box!

Adjust your annual countdown to suit whichever celebration is important to your family.

Fill your calendar with notes about winter activities to enjoy together (make sure each suggestion is actually feasible for your family!). Here are some ideas:

Choose an act of kindness each day, such as making cards for deployed CAF members, donating gently used toys and clothing, checking in on a veteran, participating in a sock drive for people who are homeless, taking supplies to an animal shelter, picking up litter, helping a friend or relative with groceries or snow removal, etc.

Wishing you all a healthy, happy winter and holiday season!

Leigh Wood Landry
KMFRC Special Needs Inclusion and Parenting Support Specialist Worker