Amazing Health Benefits of Eucalyptus Oil

By John Keating, KMFRC Guest Author

In Australia, Eucalyptus oil is a household name. It has natural qualities which can combat influenza, colds, laryngitis, and bronchitis and acts as a healer for cuts, scratches, insect bites and sunburn.

For the past forty years, I have always had the Australian eucalyptus oil on hand, both at home and when travelling. When we’re flying, the air we breathe in the plane can carry all sorts of germs and viruses, so to neutralize these hazards, moisten a toothbrush with the oil, apply toothpaste, brush your teeth and especially your tongue, then gargle. Do this before your trip and for two days afterwards. This also works if you start to get a cough.

Remember, an ounce of prevention can be worth its weight in gold.