Base Commander Message: Another Year Closes

December is here and we are in the final stretch of 2021. As I reflect on the last year I am impressed by the work of all the units here at CFB Kingston in supporting training and operations. I would encourage you to be proud of your contribution to those efforts; regardless of your role in the Defence Team, you were a part of the Base’s success.

December, besides providing members of the team a well-deserved break, marks important religious and cultural events for many of our members. These include Christmas, the latter part of Hanukkah, Bodhi Day, Yule, Solstice, and Kwanzaa. I hope all of you and your families have a great holiday season, however, you celebrate.

There are two areas where I would like to pay special thanks to the personnel of this base. The first is with the implementation of Op VECTOR INTERNUM, which was the work to vaccinate the military staff of the base. This required a great deal of behind-the-scenes work and coordination from all the units of the Base. Everyone rose to the challenge. The second is our level of involvement in the community. Our members are in the community every day as coaches and volunteers. As part of the local United Way team, CFB Kingston raised more than $200,000, 100% of our objective that will help support local community resources.

Everyone, please be smart and safe over the holidays. Be proud of what you have accomplished, and come back rested and ready for whatever the New Year brings.