Base Gym Reopening: Phase 1A to Commence on 8 September 2020

Colonel Masson, CFB Kingston Base Commander accompanied by Chief Warrant Officer(CWO) Cartier, CFB Kingston Base CWO receive a briefing tour of Kingston Military Community Sports Centre facilities from Personnel Support Staff Steve Ruttan, Manager Fitness and Sports accompanied by Frank Cleysen, Senior Manager and John Hooyer Facility Cordinator outlining the initiatives put in place to address the COVID 19 situation. Aug 28 2020, KMCSC, CFB Kingston.

The Kingston Military Community Sports Centre (Base Gym) will reopen on 8 September 2020 for Phase 1A of the facility’s business resumption plan.

The reopening plan consists of 3 Phases:

  1. Phase 1: Primary focus on CAF member and Unit PT;
  2. Phase 2: CAF members and Base Gym members including Regular, Ordinary, Associate Base gym members; and
  3. Phase 3: Resumption of all pre-COVID-19 programs and services.

(Note: the reopening dates for Phase 2 and Phase 3 remain to be determined at this time)

Phase 1A

Military members can obtain further information on Phase 1A at the following link: (available on DWAN only)

For a video with details on Phase 1A:

The safety and precautionary measures that are in place include:

  • Check-in procedure in place including a mandatory COVID-19 screening questionnaire (, temperature check, as well as a tracking list;
  • Directional arrows as well as equipment and areas marked out-of-bounds to enforce physical distancing;
  • Increased cleaning and sanitization schedule;
  • Mandatory face coverings must be worn in all areas of the facility except when a member is in a training square (see video below).
  • Fountains accessible for water bottle refill only; and
  • Masks are a personal responsibility, we will have an emergency stock available.

The health and safety of our CFB Kingston military community members and our staff relies on everyone’s cooperation with the above measures.

Further information will be communicated as the Base Gym continues its phased approach of reopening.


Photo: Colonel Masson, CFB Kingston Base Commander accompanied by Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) Cartier, CFB Kingston Base CWO receive a briefing tour of Kingston Military Community Sports Centre facilities from Personnel Support Staff Steve Ruttan, Manager Fitness and Sports accompanied by Frank Cleysen, Senior Manager, and John Hooyer Facility Coordinator.  Aug 28 2020, KMCSC, CFB Kingston.