Acting Base Commander wishes all a good posting season

As we move into the summer and the start of the annual posting season, I would like to wish a hearty welcome to those coming into the region and goodbye to those leaving. For those coming in, I think you will find Kingston is a gem among CAF postings. For those of you leaving, I hope your time here was meaningful and memorable; I wish you the best of luck in your next posting.

The month of June is both Pride Month and National Indigenous History Month. On the 21st of June we celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day. It is important to acknowledge the contributions both communities have made to the defence of Canada over the years and the important contribution that they still make.

By the time you read this, most of the military members of CFB Kingston should have received their second COVID-19 vaccination; and much of the civilian defence team members will have received their first shot. This is good news; we are making real progress on the COVID front. However, I again have to state that this is not a time to relax in following the preventive health measures. The province has put forth a schedule for reopening, and we will be abiding by that schedule. Please continue to follow the direction of the base and civil authorities regarding COVID.

The last year has been a stressful one for many of us; I urge you to take time for yourself this summer. While we do not know the exact dates for the various levels of provincial reopening, we all need to use our leave to take a break and recharge. Take the time for yourself and your family; you deserve it.