Become a KMFRC Volunteer


Did you know that giving your time as a volunteer may help you improve your happiness and health?

Volunteers at the KMFRC are integral members of our organization and this unique military community. Our dedicated volunteers are a vital part of the KMFRC team, helping to deliver quality activities and services. Volunteering is also a great way to get to know, become involved, and effect positive change in your community!

Your commitment can be long term or short term. Orientation and training will provide information to create a positive volunteer experience. Interested to join the KMFRC group of volunteers and find out how you can help make a difference? Contact April Andrews, Volunteer and Event Specialist at or by calling 613-451-5010 x 2250 | @KingstonMFRC

Interested in volunteering on the KMFRC Board of Directors?

Do you enjoy the satisfaction of helping others through volunteer work and giving back to an organization that inspires and motivates you? Volunteering as a volunteer on the KMFRC Board of Directors (BOD) will provide hands-on skills and experience working within a not-for-profit environment. Within a supportive team setting, build social networks and gain new contacts. Reporting to the Board of Directors President, volunteers are responsible for acting in the best long-term interests of the KMFRC and the community. The ideal candidate will bring broad knowledge and an inclusive perspective to the role to assist the BOD in informed decision-making and help the KMFRC facilitate the efficient operation of the organization.

Time Commitment: approximately 4-6 hours a month (BOD meetings, preparing for BOD Meetings, participating in committees, and attending special events) Contact April Andrews, Volunteer and Event Specialist at or by calling 613-541-5010 x 2250 | @KingstonMFRC