Benefits of Outdoor Winter Activities


When winter approaches, most people begin to adjust their activities to get out of the cold. However, this could be a missed opportunity to improve your fitness – especially with all that PSP/CFB Kingston Fitness & Sports has to offer. Before we detail those options, let’s talk about the benefits of getting outside and staying active throughout the winter.

Natural sunlight is a great way to boost serotonin levels, and this is especially important in the winter when our serotonin level is at its lowest. Serotonin helps improve your mood and alleviate depression. Sunlight also helps boost vitamin D. As sunlight is lesser in the winter compared to other seasons, it is even more important that get outside as often as possible. Ten to fifteen minutes in the sunlight can be enough to help improve your immune system, reduce inflammation, and boost overall health.

With these benefits in mind, Fitness & Sports has outdoor rental equipment available to help you embrace winter.

Fun winter activity equipment list:

Cross-Country Skis

Cross-country skiing is great for developing your aerobic fitness. The KMCSC/Base Gym Sports Store has what you need to enjoy the freshly groomed trails that tour around the Garrison Golf & Country Club (GG&CC). To begin we recommend starting at a smaller duration ski and progressively building over each session. Warming up is key for this activity as it taxes muscles groups and movement patterns that aren’t typically used on a daily basis. Take five to ten minutes to warm-up your shoulders, hip flexors, upper thighs, and calves. After you warm-up, perform five minutes of light skiing before starting your workout. Ensure you dress in layers and do not forget to have water and intra-workout snacks on hand!

Fat Bikes

Fat Bikes are a good alternative for those looking to continue riding all year round while enjoying a fun, low-impact outdoor activity. The Sports Store has a variety of high quality fat bikes to accommodate most body sizes. There are a variety of awesome trails throughout the Kingston area to take advantage of, and a personal recommendation is the K&P Trail. This trail is great for both short and long distance rides, and is well maintained for all skill levels to enjoy. Before going out, ensure you are prepared for the weather. Have supplies you may need in case of an emergency and take five minutes at the start of your ride to stay at a light-moderate intensity. This will allow your body to warm up and adapt to the conditions and activity!


Snowshoeing is a fun activity that offers you the option to explore and embrace an off trail snowy terrain. It is a great activity to do with family and friends, and suitable for most age groups. The preparation for snowshoeing is very similar to cross-country skiing, you need to warm up before starting this activity due to the unfamiliarity of everyday movement patterns. Follow the same warm up guidelines as noted for skiing. Take five minutes to experiment with your equipment at a lighter intensity, ensure everything fits well and is in good working order. Once you are ready, go explore!

For outdoor rental equipment info/general queries, please contact the Sports Store at 613-541-5010 local 8750.


Article: Kristofer Klith, Fitness & Sports Instructor

Editor: Cheryl McKinnon, CFB Kingston