CAF Sports Day is October 19th

Garrison Sports

The eleventh (11th) edition of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Sports Day in Canada will be held on 19 October 2023. As with previous years, each CAF Base/Wing is asked to organize various sporting activities for their CAF members to participate in, at their respective location. In support of this mandate, CFB Kingston’s Personnel Support Programs (PSP) will host a variety of sporting activities geared towards fun and fitness in the CAF. The sport and location of events is as follows:

  • Ultimate Frisbee: Dome 0800-1600hrs. Minimum 7 players, maximum 15 per team.
  • Hockey: Constantine Arena 0730-1600hrs. Minimum 7 players, maximum 20 per team.
  • Bowling: Garrison Lanes in 2 sessions: Session 1, 0900-1200hrs. Session 2, 1300-1600hrs. Registration required, maximum 50 bowlers per session. First come first served.
  • Volleyball: SAM Gym 1&2, 0800-1600hrs. Minimum 11 players, maximum 20 per team.
  • Dodge Ball: Field House 4&5, 0800-1600hrs. Minimum 6 players, maximum 10 per team.
  • Soccer: Dome 0800-1600hrs. Minimum 13 players, maximum 20 per team.
  • 3 on 3 Basketball: Field House 6, 1140-1430hrs. Minimum 3 players, maximum 6 per team.

All sport activities are expected to start no earlier than 0730hrs and will conclude no later than 1600hrs on 19 October 2023.

Units who would like to register their teams are requested to contact Chantal Fortin, Administrative Assistant of Fitness and Sports, local 2769, .