Canadian Armed Forces Physical Activity Challenge: Register as of June 1st

Attention CAF members, veterans, families and friends! Join us this summer for the CAF Physical Activity Tour of Canada (CAFPAT), a VIRTUAL Physical Activity Challenge that will take you across Canada from June 8th to August 31st. 

The CAF PAT provides participants with kilometers covered as they travel from coast to coast or around the Country as a result of completing exercise time in increments of 15 minutes.   

ANY form of physical exercise will qualify for this event, so anyone can compete!  

You can keep track of your progress and the different standings – individual, Bases and Wings, and CAF Element. 

The CAFPAT Challenge is open to the entire CAF Community.  There are also prizes to be won and it’s FREE to register!   

So get out, get active, and have fun! 

To find out more or to register as of June 1st, go to: