Caring Dads

By Khatiza Bi Bi

The KMFRC is dedicated to providing resources and support to parents, which sometimes includes helping them reconnect with their children. Caring Dads is a new program at the KMFRC to help fathers change their pattern of interaction with their family, and increase child-centered fathering. The goal is to strengthen the relationship between fathers and their children and promote respectful co-parenting with the children’s mother. It is offered to CAF members, or civilian fathers who have a spouse in the Military. The program is only for fathers.

What to expect from the program?

The goals of a Caring Dad’s group are to improve fathers’ relationship with their child and family, and to help them to better understand children’s development and needs. Some of the topics explored include:

○ Building relationships with your children through child-centered fathering
○ Recognizing unhealthy, hurtful, abusive and neglectful behaviors
○ Effect on children of exposure to abuse of their mother
○ Stages of child development – what to expect
○ Reading to and playing with your children
○ Responding to children’s needs
○ Positive communication
○ Working together with children’s mothers
○ Problem solving in difficult situations & managing frustration
○ Alternatives to punishment
○ Rebuilding trust and healing

Is Caring Dads for me?

Fathers often wonder if the Caring Dads program is right for them. Here are a few guiding questions to consider:

○ Do you sometimes worry about how angry you feel about your child?
○ Do you sometimes have a hard time letting go of angry thoughts about your children or your children’s mother?
○ Do you often feel like your children are intentionally trying to annoy you?
○ Do you ever criticize your children’s mother in front of your children?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, the Caring Dads program may be for you. Sometimes, it’s difficult to know how to be a loving and respectful father and to find the support that you need to improve the situation for you and your family. Caring Dads can help you be a better father and helps to foster healthier relationships with your child and your child’s mother.
Consider joining us in September for the 17-week program. If you would like to learn more about the program visit If you would like to register for the program contact 613-541-5010 x4811. The deadline to register is September 3, 2018. More information about the program will be provided after successful registration.

At the beginning of the program participants identify their goals as gaining confidence in parenting skills, disciplining in healthier ways, and being a better dad.

What Dads are saying after the program:

“My daughter had an upset stomach today and I held her and read a story to her”

“I never gave my daughter time to speak. She is 13 and has a mind of her own and I have my mind so I would just jump in and say ‘just do what I said’. Now I give her time to speak her piece and find a better way to deal with the situation”

“I’ve made drastic improvements in how I treat my children’s mother. I have learned to respect her needs from me and I help out more with the kids”

“I see that not everything is as bad as it seems or has to be as stressful as it may feel at the time”