CFB Kingston

Message from the Base Commander

September is always an exciting month and looking back we had quite a memorable one here at CFB Kingston.  Our Garrison Family Fun Fest had over 8,000 people in attendance on Sunday. The concert on […]

CFB Kingston

Message from the Base Commander

I trust this note finds you renewed from an enjoyable summer leave. For those newly posted to Kingston, welcome to the Base and to a fantastic community. While you were enjoying the summer, you may […]

CFB Kingston

Dear CCMS, I don’t know what to do

I am training for deployment and NOT getting along with a team member.  It started with snide comments and has only escalated.  I’ve been waiting to go on deployment, but I can’t continue to work […]

CFB Kingston

UnWasted Dinner

RMC, CFB Kingston, and Local Caterer Contribute to Charity Event The Loving Spoonful is a local charity organization within Kingston, Ontario that delivers fresh fruits and vegetables to over 40 meal programs, pantries, shelters and […]

CFB Kingston

Foxtrap Native Holds the Keys

Honolulu, Hawaii – Warrant Officer (WO) Paula Hickey conducts a driver’s inspection on one of the many vehicles rented for the Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) Exercise 2018. A proud Newfoundlander from Foxtrap, Conception Bay […]

CFB Kingston

CFB Kingston honours & awards

CFB Kingston’s Base Commander and Base Chief, Colonel Patrick Lemyre and Chief Warrant Officer Jeffrey Aman presented the following Honours and Awards during a Ceremony that was held in Kingston, Ontario on 13 June 2018. […]

CFB Kingston

Chaplains: A Voice for the Alienated

I acknowledge that a certain level of discomfort arises when Canadians talk about discrimination. It’s an uncomfortable revelation to some who have the privilege to ignore the fact, but faced with the overwhelming everyday experiences […]

CFB Kingston

Dear CCMS, Raise the Issue, Not Alarm

Dear CCMS, My co-worker and I had a disagreement and now she’s not talking to me. I tried inviting her to coffee but she just said, “no” and didn’t even make eye contact with me. […]