CCMS: Supporting RitCAF

Dear CCMS,

Why is a Conflict and Complaint Management Services (CCMS) Agent a featured guest speaker in the Operation Honour – Respect in the CAF (RitCAF) program offered through PSP – Health Promotion (HP)?

There are 3 key lines of strategy applied in the Guardian coded RitCAF program. These include: promoting a respectful environment; empowering bystanders to take action; and supporting those affected by Sexual Misconduct.

The CCMS Agent is a Subject Matter Expert (SME) trained in supporting Affected Persons and has joined the HP Team to brief RitCAF participants of available services, local partners and provide knowledge of the process a client would be guided through. They go into great detail how the referral is conducted and emphasize the process is Affected Person Centric (focused on their well-being, concerns and expectations). Trust and confidentiality is stressed as paramount. This referral process explained is exactly the same amongst the other referral agencies within the Defence Team.

An Op HONOUR incident is not an isolated situation and your local CCMS has experience in this area. We are available to help overcome barriers to Affected Persons seeking support.

Our goal is to educate about resources available, introduce participants to the appropriate local agency representative and most importantly, empower individuals to seek out support from a knowledgeable referral agency.

CCMS Kingston extension 5641