Celebrate Father’s Day

Canada is one of several countries that celebrate Father’s Day on the third Sunday in June each year. We hope that June 19th will be a fantastic day for all the wonderful dads and father figures in our community!

Of all male Regular Force members in Canada, 63% have at least one dependent. Parental leave was taken by 71 male CAF members from 1997-2001, and 2400 male CAF members in 2013 – and the number of Canadian Military Dads taking parental leave continues to grow.

Dads struggling to adjust to parenthood are not alone. According to recent research by KFL&A Public Health, one in ten new fathers may experience Perinatal Mood Disorders in the first year of their baby’s life. These mood changes might include anger, sadness, lack of interest in activities that are normally enjoyed, feelings of guilt, worry, and changes to eating habits and sleep. The right supports can help struggling parents move from surviving…to thriving! Talking with a family health care provider, connecting with community resources and fellow new parents, spending time with loved ones, enjoying a healthy diet and taking opportunities to rest, can all make a positive difference for new parents.

Looking for info, tips, webinars and more, gathered by and for fathers? Three Canadian sites to start with are https://dadcentral.ca , https://canadiandad.com/ and https://likeadad.net/

Helpful services in our community include Parenting in KFL&A, facilitated by KFL&A Public Health. Further information and support can be discovered by calling (613) 549-1154 or visiting the Parenting in KFL&A Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/ParentinginKFLA

If you’re interested in parenting resources and strategies, please contact the KMFRC Military Family Navigator specializing in parent support, Leigh, at leigh.wood-landry@kmfrc.com.