Command Team Message – October 2023

CFB Kingston Command team. Chief warrant Officer Prendergast and Colonel Hatoon. May 2 2023, CFB Kingston.

As summer turns to fall, people begin settling in from APS, and the operational tempo increases, it is important for us to inform you about some of the resources available. We also want to take this opportunity to highlight the incredible achievements of CFB Kingston’s personnel in the short time since summer leave.

PSP spearheaded the Garrison Discovery Week Open House to promote the various programs and clubs that are available on base for our personnel to develop new hobbies and relationships. The KMFRC conducted a Quilts of Valour event to support ill and injured Canadian Armed Forces members past and present, with volunteer support from members of LSS. The KMFRC further recognized Military Family Appreciation Day and hosted this year’s Canadian Walk for Veterans event.

CFB Kingston launched its United Way Campaign with a Kick-Off Pancake Breakfast on September 15th; we extend our thanks to those that volunteered to help create a strong start to this year’s campaign. CFB Kingston also hosted their Terry Fox Run on September 23rd for defence team members and their families.

With many new faces on base, our Kingston Garrison Defence Advisory Groups will be looking for new representatives and champions. These groups are crucial advisors on how best to celebrate and observe key commemorative days in a respectful and inclusive way. If you are interested in joining one of these amazing groups, or just want to learn more about them, visit or reach out to the Advisory Group leaders via: CFMWS | MFRC | Kingston | CFMWS

The time and effort so many of CFB Kingston’s personnel put into supporting great causes does not go unnoticed, especially in light of heavy work loads as we enter a busy time of year. As the Command Team, we continue to be impressed by the exceptional work that takes place each and every day, and we are confident that despite the myriad of pressures you face, you will continue to provide excellence in your respective fields, be it in training, operations, or support.