I’ve component transferred from the Regular Force to Primary Reserves and being paid as if I am a new recruit. I haven’t been given my proper rank or pay reflecting my Regular force experience. What should I do?

Acknowledgement of military experience and financial remuneration that supports this is important. First speak to your Unit Chief Human Resource Administrator (HRA), formerly Chief Clerk, within your home unit so they are aware and can begin to rectify this. Information may have inadvertently been lost in the transfer process. Sometimes the Terms of Service (TOS) are not communicated to the gaining unit. It may just be a matter of your unit tracking down the missing paperwork and making the updates in Guardian and Revised Pay System for the Reserves (RPSR). It may require other individuals within your unit leadership becoming involved to make the necessary inquiries on your behalf. Should it be taking too much time to remedy, you can engage with a Conflict and Complaint Management Services (CCMS) Agent. We understand many reservists have full time-time commitments outside their military service, which can sometimes add an extra level of challenge when administrative issues arise. With your written authorization, we can help support both you and your unit to correct the situation by speaking with the various parties involved in your transfer.

This is just one way the CCMS office can support. Please check our website or connect with your local CCMS office for other ways we are able to support the Defence Team.

Contact number : 613-541-5010 ext 5641

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