Dear CCMS, I don’t know what to do

I am training for deployment and NOT getting along with a team member.  It started with snide comments and has only escalated.  I’ve been waiting to go on deployment, but I can’t continue to work with this person unless things change.  I’ve been advised to speak with my supervisor, but I might be removed from the team.  I don’t know what to do.

Preparing for deployment is an important process, and these interactions are an uncomfortable distraction. You’re concerned about the impact this conflict might have on your role on the team.

When faced with workplace conflict situation, it is important to assess the situation to determine whether to engage or avoid the conflict situation. Take the time to ask yourself some important questions:

What is the problem?
What needs to be addressed?
What caused it?
Who is involved?
What can I do?

Is the problem negatively impacting me?
Other people?
Impacting the work?
With people who matter to me?
With those I will continue to work with?
About issues of importance to me and others?
What are the potential risks if I take action?
What are the potential risks if I avoid?
What good things could come out of this if I take action?

If you answer mostly yes to these questions, then taking action to manage the conflict might make sense. Now it’s time to decide which approach is the best approach to achieve your desired outcomes.

You will be working together in an operational context, clearing up assumptions and clarifying expectations is important. DND/CAF prioritizes an early, local informal approach wherever appropriate, for managing workplace conflicts. Contact your local Conflict and Complaint Management Services (CCMS) office for all of the options available to you.