Conflict and Complaint Management Services (CCMS) : Looking For Answers

Dear CCMS,

I am a proud CAF member and lesbian. I have served for two years and plan to make the Forces a career. Although very comfortable with my own sexuality, I keep a very low profile as some co-workers make derogatory comments and use cruel words to describe members of the LGBTQ2+ community. How should I deal with this as I am finding myself becoming increasingly resentful?

At Conflict and Complaint Management Services (CCMS) offices, conflicts and complaints come in many forms; while the majority of issues can be dealt with using available mechanisms and resources at the CCMS Agent’s disposal, it’s more difficult to change perceptions people have. Particularly, when beliefs originate from a foundation of ignorance, prejudice, or fear.

If you have been the subject of unacceptable comments or actions by an individual or group, then you could have justification to submit a Harassment Complaint under the 13 Grounds of Discrimination, through the Canadian Human Rights Act (CHRA). Furthermore, inappropriate behaviour whether physical or not, falls under Operation HONOUR and consequently, it should be reported. DAOD 5019-0 has been updated to define hateful conduct.

Knowing and educating people about Operation HONOUR and their Human Rights are two excellent steps towards creating positive change. Furthermore, The Defence Team Pride Network (DTPN) and Positive Space Ambassadors are also excellent resources to connect with. We encourage you to speak with a CCMS Agent to gain all the necessary information that will assist with making an informed decision on suitable course of action(s).

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CCMS Kingston 613-541-5010 ext 5641