Dear CCMS: Respect and Dignity for All

I am a CAF member and a member of a faith community. I’m proud to say that I treat everyone with respect and dignity: never thinking of myself or anyone else as better or less worthy of respect than another. I always ensure respect even when my faith is in contrast with CAF policy or the values of those around me. Lately, my coworkers have used derogatory comments and harsh words to describe me and other members of my faith. I now feel singled out and like I don’t have a place in today’s CAF. The CAF is supposed to be about inclusion. What can I do?

 It is unacceptable for any Defence Team member to be the subject of treatment that promotes hatred, violence, discrimination, or harassment on the basis of a prohibited ground, as defined in the Canadian Human Rights Act. Every individual has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination based on prohibited grounds, including religion. Respect and dignity for all is a core value of Canada, and our organization. We must foster a safe and healthy workplace for all Defence Team members, which means upholding these rights.

If you have been the subject of unacceptable comments or actions by an individual or group, there are several options available to address your concerns.  We encourage you to speak with a CCMS Agent to learn more about your options and assist you with making an informed decision on suitable course(s) of action(s).


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