Dear Conflict and Complaint Management Services: Talk It Out Before You Submit a Grievance


Dear Conflict and Complaint Management Services (CCMS); I’m really upset with my PER because of one bubble placement. Sure, I made one small mistake earlier in the year, but I’ve produced consistent work for the remainder of the year. I don’t think this PER truly reflects my performance and want to grieve my PER. I know the grievance will make waves, but I see it as the only way. Can you help me write my grievance?

Signed, Unhappy Member

Dear Unhappy,

It sounds as though you are quite surprised and upset with your PER. As part of the Defence Team, we are all encouraged to address conflicts early, locally, and informally. Have you initiated a conversation with your supervisor to discuss this matter? Most often, making an effort to discuss concerns and explore resolution through conversation can reap a lot of benefit for both you and the chain of command. It provides space to hear and understand both sides.

With your consent, a CCMS Agent can be a bridge to initiate the conversation with your chain of command. Submitting a Notice of Intent (NOI) is another option. The NOI informs the chain of command that you are considering submitting a grievance and often stimulates informal resolution efforts. If after the conversation you are satisfied with the outcome, that’s great! If the conversation does not provide the outcome you are looking for, initiating a grievance is a mechanism available for you, and a CCMS agent can guide you through this process.

Remember, try to address issues at the lowest level and as early as possible. Informal approaches often work best!

Sincerely, CCMS Agent

*Defence Team members can contact a CCMS agent toll free at 1-833-328-3351, M-F between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. EST. Additional details related to CCMS locations and services are available on the ICCM web page