Deployment Coffee

Is your CAF member leaving the area soon, currently away, returning shortly? If so, the KMFRC invites you to join our virtual Deployment Coffee, hosted by Marnie Aman, the KMFRC Military Family Care Coordinator. Deployment Coffee takes place biweekly on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm through Zoom and is a great way to connect with other military families also experiencing all three stages of an absence: pre-deployment, deployment, and reintegration. Whether your loved one is, or going to be away on training, exercise, career course, overseas mission, unaccompanied posting/IR, or frequently gone throughout the week due to their service, we welcome you to join us for Deployment Coffee. This event is open to individuals 18+. During Deployment Coffee there are a variety of topic discussions offered including peer support, and personal development topics facilitated by guest speakers to include topics such as mental health and wellness, relaxation yoga, and nutrition. Deployment focused topics such as Road to Mental Readiness, the pre-deployment checklist, and morale mail are also presentation and discussion topics.

The KMFRC Deployment Coffee strives to support and encourage resilience and wellbeing for family members across all stages of deployment as we recognize the unique challenges military families experience when their loved one is away. Please check out our Kingston MFRC Facebook page or calendar for upcoming events and activities at to find out the dates and topics. To register for Deployment Coffee please email and for more information please reach out to to learn more about deployment support and resources available to the entire circle of loved ones.