Employment Series Part 1: Local Employment Agencies


The KMFRC is happy to provide an in-depth look at Kingston’s employment services through a three-part series dedicated to exploring the four employment agencies, national employment services, and navigating job boards. Our region is fortunate enough to have KEYS, ReStart, ACFOMI, and St. Lawrence College Employment Services offering a breadth of supports from resume & cover letter building, interview preparation, and 1:1 support and guidance though career exploration. Each agency has its own area of expertise; KEYS specializes in supporting newcomers, ACFOMI offers francophone services, SLC Employment Services has the largest job board in the region, and ReStart has opportunities for individuals who may be experiencing economic challenges. We recommend that jobseekers navigate all the employment agency options to find the best fit for themselves. Each employment agency offers Resource Centers with computers, printing capabilities, photocopying, and more, in addition to specialized workshops.

To stay up to date on each agency’s offerings, be sure check their websites for monthly calendars and their social media pages for current programs and services that would best fit your needs.

KEYS | 613-546-5559 | info@keys.ca
ReStart | 613-542-7373 x2 | reception@restartnow.ca
ACFOMI | 613-546-7863 | info@acfomi.ca
SLC | 613-545-3949 | ESK@sl.on.ca

Written by Danielle Gagne (MFN) & Laura Tessier (MFN)