Creative Ways to Celebrate Family Day During the Pandemic

Six Canadian provinces, including Ontario, will observe Family Day on February 15. Celebrating special occasions, like this, continues to be different amid pandemic restrictions, but there are still plenty of safe family activities to suit different ages and hobbies – at little to no cost. Here are several ideas to get you started.

  • Re-energize with fresh air and exercise, such as snowshoeing, skiing, skating, or walking in your favourite uncrowded spot. If you stay inside, put on music and dance, do a home scavenger hunt, or play fitness BINGO (there are many examples online).
  • Find the funniest, most flashy clothes and accessories from everyone’s closet, set up a family “photo booth”, and pose away! Pictures can even include your pets, if they’ll cooperate.
  • Make homemade cards for each other. Choose an “anything goes” approach, or offer a challenge, like asking everyone to include upcycled materials or something from nature. Let your creativity shine!
  • Get into investigation and discovery mode – perhaps trying a science experiment, making a track with paper plates, or building a marble run from cardboard and popsicle sticks (directions can be found at , and
  • Take time to relax. This might include a pajama day, snuggling in and watching a movie or two, or spending the afternoon playing board games. You could also practice yoga together, invite the whole family to read or colour, or let kids play with a pretend salon (photo found on Facebook 12 January 2021, in Dollarama Crafts and DIY group):
  • Eat a special meal. Depending on your budget and what you love to eat most, you might have a pancake brunch, make favourite appetizers and finger foods, prep a specific lunch or supper dish, or order from a favourite restaurant.
  • Create a time capsule. After all, from masks doubling as fashion accessories to creative and new ways of learning, socializing, and marking special events…the past year will definitely be something to look back on!

Happy Family Day! Stay safe and well.

by Leigh Wood Landry