Family Traditions to Begin a New School Year

By Leigh Wood Landry

Whenever possible, visit the school before classes begin. If your child struggles with change, specific reminders can help them become more comfortable with their new environment and routine. These might include:
o an album with pictures of key locations, such as the classroom, playground, gym, main entrance to the school, etc.,
o plans for the morning routine at home, and
o plans for the transitions expected in an average school day. Please note: Special Needs Inclusion Workers at the KMFRC, in collaboration with the student support team at your school, can help create more specific visual schedules and other resources, once school has begun.

Many children, especially those about to start kindergarten, benefit from a little extra TLC. Here are a few ideas:
o Take a picture of your family doing something fun or silly, and put a copy in your child’s backpack.
o Pack a note, smiley face, or special sticker in your child’s lunch bag.
o Create inexpensive, matching bracelets to wear the first day and remind your child that you’re connected, even while doing different activities in separate locations.
o Read a book such as “The Kissing Hand” before the first day of school.

Maintain a healthy sleep routine. Mindful breathing and yoga are two practices that will help the whole family relax and settle at bedtime.

Invite children to help plan, shop for and pack healthy lunches. Being involved helps develop confidence and independence – and tends to reduce the amount of food being thrown out or sent home!

If this will be the first time you send a child to school, or the first time all of your children are school-aged, you might feel strong emotions (whether you’re apprehensive or thrilled). Consider planning a special activity for yourself on the first day! You might also enjoy a quick coffee or tea with other parents marking this milestone.

Have a Show and Tell dinner after you’ve settled into the school routine. Celebrate new artwork or pieces of writing, learn about new teachers and classmates, and name the most memorable activities so far!