#FamilyStrong- Virtual KMFRC program for youth age 13-18

#FamilyStrong is an 8-week program (1 hour per week via Zoom!) designed to help children and teens (age 0-18) prepare for feelings, emotions and stress that they may experience during deployment. The KMFRC will be running the teen (age 13-18) #FamilyStrong program this coming January.

So why should you register?

  • #FamilyStrong was designed to be a fun, engaging way for teens to make connections with other youth from CAF families.
  • Instead of having someone “talk at you”, it’s a chance to share your experiences and learn more about yourself and others.
  • Each week participants will learn new strategies to help prepare and cope with the stressors of a loved one’s deployment.
  • The program is virtual, so you can join us in the comfort of your own home! In your PJs, wrapped in a blanket cocoon with hot chocolate!
  • The program is run by two LIT facilitators that are super fun and hilarious, but also professional, courteous and kind.

The program is entirely FREE and once you register, you get a Swag Bag filled with all of the materials needed for all of the fun program activities (and some surprises)!

More information will be posted on the KMFRC facebook page! Facebook.com/KingstonMFRC

By Martha Leonard