Father’s Day Trivia Facts

Worldwide, fathers are honoured at various times of year, from March 14th in Iran to December 5th in Thailand, but Canada is one of several countries that celebrate Father’s Day on the third Sunday in June each year. We hope that June 20th will be a fantastic day for all the wonderful Dads and father figures in our community! Here’s a bit of trivia to suit this special occasion…

Of all male Regular Force members in Canada, 63% have at least one dependent.

Looking for info, tips, webinars and more, gathered by and for fathers? Three Canadian sites to start with are https://dadcentral.ca , https://canadiandad.com/ and https://likeadad.net/

If you’re interested in parenting resources and strategies, please contact the KMFRC Parenting Support Specialist: snipskmfrc@gmail.com.

By Leigh Wood Landry
Special Needs Inclusion and Parenting Support Specialist Worker



