Flu season 2020/2021 – Protect yourself, protect others

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on people and economies around the globe. With flu season fast approaching, there is growing concern among health professionals of a “twindemic” – an overlap of the annual flu season and a resurgence of COVID-19 cases this fall and winter. In light of COVID-19 precautions, any illness—including influenza—could lead to exclusions from work, school, and public spaces. In addition, if someone with COVID-19 also gets the flu, they are more likely to spread infection through flu symptoms like coughing and sneezing. So stay home if sick!

To continue, go to: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/maple-leaf/defence/2020/10/flu-season-2020-2021-protect-yourself-protect-others.html