
CCMS - Harrasement

Dear CCMS: I’m being harassed by my supervisor. I don’t know who to speak to in my unit or how to get this resolved. I was told the CCMS office will write and file my complaint for me and get my supervisor to stop harassing me. Can I come to see you?

You may speak with your unit Workplace Relations Advisor (WRA) or Union representative (as applicable) to obtain information about this process and other available options for resolution. If you are a CAF member, you’re welcome to speak with a CCMS Agent; if you are a Public Servant you may engage directly with a Conflict Management Practitioner. Appointments can be made by phone, email or drop in.

We will listen to your situation and discuss the necessary information about each process. If after considering all the information you decide to file a harassment complaint, your WRA, Union representative or CCMS Agent will guide you through the steps to submit a complaint. It’s your responsibility, however, to write the complaint yourself.

As a CCMS Agent, we will work with the CAF member and their unit to ensure the necessary paperwork and steps are completed within the timelines. At any time throughout this process, we remain a resource to refer you to other relevant services.

Your local CCMS office will be with you until the matter is resolved. Come see us as soon as possible with any conflict or complaint.