Health Promotion is here for you!

Wellness Wednesday Webinars

Start your Wednesday mornings with Health Promotion on Demio from 0830-0900 hrs.

Each webinar will focus on a new topic, such as Mindfulness, Brain Train, Healthy Eating, with a member of the Health Promotion team. You can find the schedule and register here. Join on a non-network computer.

Ready to RES2ET?

We could all use a boost right now: Hit RES2ET with Health Promotion!

RES2ET is a continuous series, which builds on the skills we need the most during the second lockdown.

We are in this together, register here. Join on a non-network computer.


Do you want to sleep better, have more energy and experience … no hangovers?!

Go Dry with the Canadian Cancer Society and Health Promotion this February. Go as dry as you are willing to try: The whole month, three weeks, 2 weeks, or weekdays.Commit to a goal and let’s go dry together for a great cause! More information is available here. Support from Health Promotion is available here.



This year, Health Promotion is launching the Mind Muscle program, providing three different, yet integrated paths to strengthen our mind, simplify our life and cope with COVID. Join the 21-day mindfulness challenge, the Mind Muscle Facebook group, and/or the monthly Wellness Wednesday webinars.

Email for more information.



March is Nutrition Month 2021


Follow Health Promotion online for updates

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