Health Promotion Kingston: Army Run, Crossword Challenge and more

Got Army Run on the Brain?  

Maybe you have signed up already or maybe you’re still thinking about registering but feel unprepared.  

Either way, Top Fuel for Top Performance can help you get ready and perform at your best!  

Here is how TFTP helped these CAF members: 

“Top Fuel for Top Performance was and is an excellent course for developing an understanding of nutrition factors; The classes are raw information that everyone should know as a critical baseline guide for individual health, wellbeing and performance. I have personally benefitted from re-balancing my diet to include more vegetables in particular, which I was ignoring beforehand. 

I’ll likely come back around for another course in the future.” 

Pte Casarez, Domenique 

Register for the next Top Fuel for Top Performance on 18 Aug here: 

Can you complete the HP Hydration Crossword Challenge?  



3.An important mineral to replace when you sweat during exercise 

5.Eating a nutritious diet and drinking plenty of fluids will help you stay 

7.A food group with a large water content  

9.A popular running race amongst military members held in the Fall 

10.You should drink 8 glasses of this daily 

11.Potassium and sodium are examples of  


1.A state in which your body needs more fluids 

2.The feeling of wanting water 

4. A state in which your body has adequate fluids

6.Water, tea, and juice are examples of  

8.Taking fluids in by mouth 


Craving another type of drink? 

Try a mocktail! Swap a mocktail or non-alcoholic/low alcohol drink into the mix or cut out the alcohol a few nights while keeping the fun! 

Mocktails or nonalcoholic drinks keep the party going and offer more choices for everyone at your get together. If your sights are set on the Army Run, it’s also important to know that alcohol can also negatively impact performance by 11.4% (O’Brien CP, Lyons F. Alcohol and the athlete. Sports Med. 2000 May;29(5):295-300. doi: 10.2165/00007256-200029050-00001. PMID: 10840864).

Find some recipes here:  


Did you know, on average, it takes 1 hour for the human body to metabolize a standard drink?
Can you guess how many standard drinks are in each of the examples below?  


A “Standard Drink” is considered to be: 
Beer: 341mL (12oz) 5% alc.
Cider: 341mL (120z) 5% alc.
Wine: 142mL (5oz) 12% alc.
Distilled alcohol (rye, gun, rum etc.): 43mL (1.5oz) 40% alc. Content  

532mL 5% Beer = 1.5 drinks
1 Bottle 3.7% light beer = 0.7 drinks
1 can 8% extra strength beer = 1.7 drinks
1 bottle of 12% wine = 5 drinks
266mL 14% of wine = 3 drinks
59mL of 40% spirits = 1.3 drinks 

Wellness Wednesday Webinars are returning soon 

Join in the Fall for more great topics, conversation and prizes from Black Bear Gear!  

In the meantime, click here to provide feedback on webinars and topics.