Hey HP! I am thinking of quitting smoking but I don’t know where to start? – From Frustrated Smoker

Dear Frustrated Smoker,

This JANUARY 2021, Invest in your HEALTH. Increase your WEALTH. Live in the GREEN. The Butt Out Challenge will guide you towards a tobacco free lifestyle and you will be eligible TO WIN AMAZING PRIZES!

What is the Challenge?

The goal of the Butt Out Challenge is to motivate you to quit tobacco (cigarettes, cigars/cigarillo’s, chew or e-cigarettes) with education and support from the Strengthening the Forces-Health Promotion Butt Out Program.


• Subject Matter Experts on the benefits of tobacco cessation.

• FREE Tobacco Cessation Medication and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (*CAF members only).

• Free support and tools on your own schedule.

PLUS there are over $400 in prizes to be won to motivate you on your journey to quit!

The Butt Out Challenge has FOUR categories:

1. 100% Butt Out: Participants who commit to be 100% tobacco/vape free during the entire challenge will be eligible for a chance to WIN.

2. 50% Butt Out: Participants who have cut back their tobacco/vape use by 50% by the end of this challenge will be eligible for a chance to WIN.

3. Stay Butt Out: Participants who have Butt Out for at least one month prior to registering for the challenge AND have remained tobacco/vape free until the end of the challenge will be eligible for a chance to WIN.

4. Butt Out Support Person: A person who is identified, by a participant upon registration, as a Supporter will be eligible for a chance to WIN.

Registration opens, MONDAY, 16 NOVEMBER 2020.

The first 20 registered will win an Early Bird Prize Pack!


For more information and to register visit: https://www.cafconnection.ca/Kingston/Adults/Health/Health-Promotion/Campaigns/Butt-Out-Challenge.aspx