Step2Sail Health Promotion Fitbit Challenge: HMCS ONTARIO Walks to Halifax

While HMCS ONTARIO may not have physically made it to the rocky shores of the Atlantic Ocean, there is no doubt that the participants in the Step2Sail Health Promotion Fitbit Challenge did make the effort, and together, completed the distance to ‘walk’ from HMCS ONTARIO to HMCS HALIFAX.

From 17 July to 31 July staff from HMCS ONTARIO, participated in the inaugural Step2Sail Health Promotion Fitbit Challenge. Teams were challenged to complete the 2,004,736 steps to reach HMCS HALIFAX from HMCS ONTARIO. This was calculated on the measure that 1,312 steps is equal to one kilometer. Two teams made it to their destination with Team Mu Thicc winning the top prize by accumulating 2,167,294 steps during the two week time frame. All participants combined, HMCS ONTARIO walked over 8, 794, 162 steps during the 2-week challenge!

Walking allows for ample time to think and reflect while outdoors and without distraction. As the lead PERI on staff for HMCS ONTARIO, Lt (N) Baxter has reflected on the challenge and concludes that “without question, the inaugural Steps2Sail Fitbit challenge has been one of the highlights of the summer for the adult staff here at HMCS ONTARIO Cadet Training Centre. Excitement for this event began when our staff was treated to an inspiring presentation from the PSP Health Promotion team. Motivated by the thrill of competition and the support of their teammates, participants of all ages and fitness levels eagerly signed up to take part.”

While at the Finale on 2 August, when participants had to return their loaned Fitbits, many felt the absence of their tracker immediately. They sat on the bleachers at RMC Parade Square awaiting the official results while pretending to ‘double-tap’ their bare wrist as they would have to check their step count during the weeks of the challenge. Participants shared the same sentiment while sharing their experience with the HP staff, one staff explained that they enjoyed the challenge because it was ‘a fun opportunity to bond with their team”, another staff also said they enjoyed it because it was “a physical challenge they could achieve together.”

The challenge was a great opportunity to build confidence and Lt (N) Baxter describes the daunting feeling of how the challenge began. “Facing a seemingly impossible team goal of completing 2,004,736 steps in 2 weeks, the equivalent of walking from HMCS ONTARIO to HMCS HALIFAX, the teams defied adversity and met the challenge head-on. The resulting increase in morale and esprit de corps radiated throughout the training centre, as staff physical activity levels soared to an all-time high.”

He explains further that “We are extremely proud of everything that we accomplished while participating in this highly successful event. Thank you to the PSP Health Promotion team for their fantastic support and motivation throughout the challenge. We can’t wait to participate again next year!”

The prizes were awarded to participants on 2 August at the RMC Parade Square.

Listed below are the full results:

Top Team: Mu Thicc 2,167,294 steps

Top Motivator: Kathleen Jacques

Top Social Media: Victoria Reece

Top 3 Individual Steps
Matthew Simpson (M): 449, 589 steps
Riley Nadeau (R/G) 381, 858 steps
Kristie Law (L/D): 349,827 steps


 Thank you to the HMCS ONTARIO leadership team and PERI staff including Lt (N) Baxter and Cdr / Capf Metcalfe, for their support throughout the Challenge.