How 5 Days of PSP Kingston Summer Camp Changed our Family

Day 1: We waited by our phones waiting for the dreaded call to come get our son due to an ‘issue’. However, no call. Wow. Immediate change. At pick-up, our son had a smile on his face. He talked non-stop about the people he met and the fun he had. His outlook was positive and he could not wait to go back. Our stress level dropped.

Day 2: More positivity. He told us he made new friends. He learned how to throw a spiral football pass and he was told he was good at it. He was not anxious. He was excited and engaged and felt he finally fit in. He saw himself as the same as the other kids and felt accepted into the military community. He found his people! He was truly being a kid.

Day 3: Camp gave him the self-esteem he was lacking. Camp Leaders highlighted all the things our son was good at. Our son began to truly hear he had potential and value. Camp made his brain connect on another level. Everything started to click. He was worthy!

Day 4: Exhaustion set in (in a good way). Positive interactions and physical activity had him so engaged he was calm, tired and still happy. He was so proud of himself. Tired, but able to control his emotions and still have an excellent day.

Day 5: There was a frown on our son’s face. It was the last day of camp. I was worried until he eagerly asked to sign up for the rest of the summer! What an amazing experience. Camp gave our son self-esteem, new friends, two new sports to pursue, and the chance to be a kid! The other amazing thing is there is no more persuading and convincing. Our son wants to be the first one in line for all PSP Kingston Day Camp from now on. Hurray!

Sincerely, Janine D.

To register for summer camp 2022, visit the customer service desk at the Base Gym. For more information, contact Kerri Hollywood