In Need of Workplace Inclusion

Dear CCMS,

Our new supervisor was posted into our shop a month ago. Upon his arrival, he conducted interviews with the entire staff, but I was never included in that process. Every morning he walks around and greets staff at their various work stations; he has neither approached my work station nor spoken one word to me since his arrival. I don’t even think he knows I exist! What should I do?

The first thing you may wish to do is make an appointment to meet your new supervisor, to introduce yourself and speak with him personally regarding your concern. This represents a great opportunity to have a one-on-one conversation him. It can help reduce any potential escalation of conflict by addressing your concern at its lowest level, using the early, local and informal (ELI) approach.

If your supervisor declines your request and continues to exclude you, contact the CCMS. This might be an issue best addressed using another alternative. You can explore various options with a Complaint Management Services (CMS) Agent that will best meet your need for resolution.

Being the only person excluded from workplace events and daily interactions may constitute workplace harassment. The CCMS Agent will review this and other criteria that must be met to be considered harassment.

CCMS Agent