In Review

Corporal Krisinda Goodwin, Master Seaman Candace Braye and Sergeant Shannon Boot stand in front of the Canadian Frorces Recruiting Booth. / Le caporal Krisinda Goodwin, la matelot-chef Candace Braye et le sergent Shannon Boot se tiennent devant le poste de recrutement des Forces canadiennes.

On September 21st, 2019 Sgt Shannon Boot and Cpl Krisinda Goodwin of the Canadian Forces Recruiting Center attended the “Women in trades” event alongside MS Candace Braye from FMF Cape Scott, Halifax. The event, which was put on by the Limestone District School Board, was an opportunity for female students to learn about skilled trades from tradeswomen from the Kingston community. “Women make up almost half the workforce in Canada but there is still a certain perception [that only men work in skilled trades] when it comes to women working in the skilled trades.” (Sgt Boot)

Participants took part in round robin experiences of the trades where students had hands-on opportunities to try relatable tasks such as construction, manufacturing automotive welding and hairstyling. They also had the opportunity to speak with mentors that are currently in those occupations and talk with employers from the local area about opportunities available to them

“The Women in Trades event was very well constructed, when the students first arrived there was a female mechanic that was a guest speaker that proudly spoke about her career. Once this was finished the students had a chance to speak to many women within the trades that are local to Kingston. Students had the opportunity to ask questions to many women in different types of uniform from us (the Canadian Armed Forces) to Provincial Corrections Officers and more. It was great to see so many women in one place interested in a career within the trades. I feel as if this event could have impacted many young women to seek out a career either within the Forces or within one of the trades.” (Cpl Goodwin)

Corporal Krisinda Goodwin, Master Seaman Candace Braye and Sergeant Shannon Boot stand in front of the Canadian Frorces Recruiting Booth. / Le caporal Krisinda Goodwin, la matelot-chef Candace Braye et le sergent Shannon Boot se tiennent devant le poste de recrutement des Forces canadiennes.
Canadian Forces members from the Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre deliver information and answer questions from female students during the St Lawrence College Women in Trades career fair. Oct 21 2019, St Lawrence College, Kingston, On. / Les membres des Forces canadiennes du Centre de recrutement des Forces canadiennes fournissent des informations et répondent aux questions des étudiantes lors de la foire des carrières Women in Trades du St Lawrence College. 21 octobre 2019, Collège St Lawrence, Kingston, On.