International Conflict Resolution Day – Ballot Draw Winners

International Conflict Resolution Day was recognized on October 17, 2019.  It is an annual event with the purpose of bringing attention to informal conflict resolution options available within the workplace.

The Defence Team offers a robust number of conflict and complaint management options when conflicts arise.  It is important these issues are addressed at the earliest possible opportunity using the appropriate option(s) for the situation.  Conflicts can have far-reaching impacts on the individual, workplace, and family life when either not addressed or left too long before addressing.

The Conflict and Complaint Management Services (CCMS) Kingston, in partnership with Personnel Support Programs (PSP), Health Promotions and CANEX, set up a kiosk at the CFB Kingston Base Gym to promote individual and workplace wellness.  As part of the promotion, the CANEX donated a $25.00 gift card and PSP donated a family membership.

The lucky winners to the draw are Major Lisa Walsh, who won the CANEX gift card and Major Jody McInnis who won the family membership. Thank you to all who participated in the draw!

Heather Decloux and Major Lisa Walsh
Brenda Cavanagh and Major Jody McInnis











MWO van den Berg
Promoter/Trainer, CCMS Central Region