June is Recreation Month: PLAY Recreated!

Physical distancing and closures have affected how we PLAY, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun. Now’s the time to find creative ways to energize our mind, body and soul. PLAY Recreated is how we can rethink the way we participate in recreational activities and stay active.

PSP makes playing easy and accessible. We have Recreated PLAY to offer a wide variety of virtual recreation services so that you can stay safe and find fun ways to get out, get active, learn something new, stay connected and live better. You can check out PSP National programs and services schedule on the Virtual Services page or our local PSP Kingston virtual services on our YouTube or Facebook pages.

The PLAY with PSP Contest opens on June 1, 2020 featuring weekly challenges to use your imagination and PLAY Recreated together. Enter the contest for your chance to win up to $2,500 in Canadian Tire and Sport Chek gift cards.  Make sure to check our PSP Kingston Facebook page weekly for our PLAY Recreated posts.  Have fun and good luck!