KMFRC Staff Answered: What do you do for self care/mindfulness/me time?

Self-care is a buzz phrase that encompasses anything you do that’s good for you and helps you “recharge your batteries” either physically, emotionally, or mentally. It’s an important part of living a healthy lifestyle and has become even more important over the past two years as we navigated Covid.

Some of the KMFRC staff have shared what they do for selfcare.

Sam Galati
Veteran Family Program Coordinator 

I was fortunate to use my time during COVID to find aspects of self-care and mindfulness practices that work for me. I learned that I didn’t like sitting still and meditating, so I started a daily yoga practice which incorporated the benefits of mediation while moving my body in a way that felt good for me. I love Yoga with Adriene and dancing in my living room with EmKFit ( I intentionally make time for connecting with loved ones, being in nature, and going for walks around my neighbourhood. I often turn to colouring as it brings me joy, fulfills my inner child, and helps me feel grounded when I’m feeling distressed.

Marnie Aman
Military Family Support Services Coordinator

The cheapest and most accessible selfcare/me time practice for me is a taking a walk on my own, or a hot bath with a good book.

Leigh Wood Landry, BA, BEd.
Special Needs Inclusion & Parenting Support Specialist Worker

One of my favourite activities for mindfulness and “me time” is walking by the water or in the forest, or ideally, a combination of the two! Both are peaceful – perfect spaces for fresh air and exercise (giving an extra boost in winter), and great locations for outdoor photos.