KMFRC Volunteer Spotlight: John Sullivan

By Heather Kotelniski

The Kingston Military Family Resource Centre (KMFRC) is privileged to boast some of the city’s best volunteers. A diverse range of backgrounds, skills, and cultures is represented in our volunteer pool, which includes a number of military members. Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members perform a variety of roles within the Centre and during special events. Our volunteer spotlight for July will introduce you to one such person; John Sullivan, a member of the KMFRC Board of Directors.

Please tell us about yourself

I hail from Hamilton, Ontario and joined the military at thirty-eight. I was drawn to the military, because of the events in New York and subsequently Afghanistan, which I deployed to in 2008. My first posting was to 2 Sigs in Petawawa, where I met the core of my military friends and developed a strong affiliation with the military. I spent nine years in Petawawa and was posted to CFSCE in 2013 where I taught DP1, DP2 and CRCIED. I was posted to CFJSR in 2015.

I have four children; a son and three daughters, Andrew, Tania, Katie and Emily. Emily, the youngest, just graduated from Queen’s Nursing.

What do you do when you aren’t working or volunteering?

When I’m not working you’ll find me cycling. I’ll ride on average 200km a week. My bicycle is like my fifth child. I also enjoy officiating men’s hockey and playing most sports.

What is your personal philosophy on life?

I honestly believe that those we come into contact with each day deserve our best. With regards to relationships, we should always put forward an honest effort. Sometimes it’s not perfect, but it is directed towards becoming a more loving individual.

What made you decide to volunteer with the KMFRC Board of Directors?

The most important piece of any organization or community is its people. This community has contributed to my success, and smoothed rough waters when things were challenging or difficult. The KMFRC is dedicated to building and strengthening this community and supporting Military families that are the heart of the organization I’ve built my career around. I am really honoured to be part of such a dynamic and committed organization, whose staff work tirelessly to assist members and their families. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to witness their efforts and contribute in a small way to their success. Our community would not be the same without their efforts.

What do you wish other people knew about the KMFRC?

Coming to know the organization as I have over the past year, I really believe that if you could find a way to bottle up the culture of the organization, it would give Coke a run for its money. In other words, come out and experience the positive environment the staff and volunteers create in the programs and services they deliver.

If you could only choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I’m a huge Tom Petty fan…hard to pick my favorite song of his. I would have loved to see him live, but sadly, I didn’t get the opportunity before he passed away. There is a live version of him performing “Learning to Fly”, in Gatorville with Stevie Nicks. That tops my list. His interaction with the crowd while they took over the chorus was one of the best performances I’ve heard! Simple song, but sometimes in life mastering the simple things can be the most rewarding and uplifting.

You finish these questions, step outside your office, and find a lottery ticket that ends up winning $10 million. What would you do?

Tough question! Obviously take care of my family, buy some new trinkets for the bicycle…the truth is I have everything I need, so finding a deserving charity and giving most of it to those struggling to overcome financial difficulty would be on the top of my list.

Thank you John, for your candid answers and a glimpse into your life.

Apply for a position on the KMFRC Board of Directors

If you are interested in becoming a member of the KMFRC Board of Directors, please visit

If you’d like to volunteer with another KMFRC program, please fill out an application at or contact our Volunteer Services Worker, Heather Kotelniski at 613-541-5010 x5195 who would be happy to discuss our current volunteer opportunities!