KMFRC Volunteer Spotlight: Jordan Castro

For the month of June, to celebrate Father’s Day, we would like to focus your attention on a CFB Kingston community member who is not only an amazing volunteer, but a busy CAF member and family man. He has helped the KMFRC with many special events, including iCan Bike and the Garrison Kids Christmas Party where he has not only displayed his wonderful sense of humor, but also his strong work ethic. We’d like to introduce you to Jordan Castro.

Tell us about yourself…where are you from originally, how long have you been associated with the military community, married, kids, pets number of postings? Tell us anything you’d like to share.

I am originally from Cambridge, Ontario and have been associated with the Military since the fall of 2012. I have only been posted to Kingston, because I first joined as a reservist at 21 EW and then I switched over to the regular force in the summer of 2014. I am married to my beautiful wife and have two wonderful kids.

What do you do when you aren’t working or volunteering?

When I am not working or volunteering I am hanging out with my family and taking my daughter to the gym where we run laps and play “What time is it Mr. Wolf?”

What is your personal philosophy on life?

My Philosophy in life is to face every day with integrity. If I say I’m going to do something I am going to stick to my guns.

What made you decide to volunteer with the KMFRC?

I wanted to volunteer at the KMFRC when I went to the special needs play group with my family. I just started helping and received a lot of joy from it. Since then, I really wanted to be more involved.

If you could steal credit for any great piece of art, song, film, book etc. which one would you claim?

I wouldn’t steal anyone’s work, because I didn’t create it.

If you had a time machine, what year would you travel to and why?

If I had a time machine I would travel to 1950 Santa Maria, Azores, Portugal and see what my Grandmothers’ farm used to look like.

What do you enjoy most about being a Dad? Least?

The thing I enjoy most about being a dad is watching my kids grow up. The thing I like least is not sleeping when you have babies.

Do you think today’s fathers have it harder, easier or just different?

I think fathers these days have it harder because of the negative effects of social media. I worry about my kids’ presence on the internet as they grow up and the dangers that come with it.

What do you want to make sure that your children and grandchildren will remember about you?

The thing that I know my children will remember of me will be my great dancing skills.