KMFRC Volunteer Spotlight: Kelly Van Iderstine

By Heather Kotelniski

The Family Networks are part of a Canadian Military Family Resource Centre program that connects military families with each other, the Member’s unit, and community resources, which helps families deal with the challenges associated with deployment, separation and relocation.

The family Network includes a Unit Liaison Representative and a Volunteer Family Representative, who work with the KMFRC to offer social, informational, care-taking, networking, and morale-building activities. Together, the Unit Rep, Family Rep and KMFRC help families to successfully deal with their unique stressors, while reinforcing overall resilience in navigating the military lifestyle.

February’s volunteer spotlight focuses on a KMFRC Family Rep who is an amazing, resilient military spouse, Kelly Van Iderstine.

Tell us about yourself: where are you from originally, how long have you been associated with the military community…married, kids, pets, number of postings…tell us anything you’d like to share!

I am from Baie Verte, a small village located in New Brunswick, near the Confederation Bridge to PEI. I married my wonderful husband, Kurt Van Iderstine, October 4th 2008 and started my journey in the military community a few weeks later, with our first posting to Petawawa. We were posted there for 6 years before coming to Kingston in 2014. I have 3 beautiful children: Kalen, 8; Karlee, 2; and Kyle, 1 month.

What do you do when you aren’t volunteering?

The majority of my time is spent with my family! We enjoy traveling home to New Brunswick as often as we can, and finding things to do locally in the community. Also, I work part time in a long-term care home, as a registered practical nurse.

What is your personal philosophy on life?

Life is short, and you never know what tomorrow is going to bring. Live every day to the fullest, tell those near and dear to you that you love them, and don’t sweat the small stuff!

What made you decide to volunteer with the KMFRC?

I decided to volunteer for the KMFRC, because my husband’s unit needed a family rep and I really liked the idea of the family network groups. Having been the new military spouse, and having a spouse who was gone all the time, I never knew where to look for support or what was available to me. I want to be able to help my fellow spouses find the supports they may need. It’s also nice for me to just get out and meet new people!

If you could steal credit for any great piece of art, song, film, book, etc., which one would you claim?
I’m claiming the invention of the jet, because then I’d probably be rich and actually own a jet, fly anywhere I want, and not have to drive!

If you had a time machine, what year would you travel to and why?
I’d love to jump to the future, to see if we’ve come up with any cures for the awful illnesses and diseases we suffer from nowadays – then I’d come back and cure everyone!

Valentine’s Day: Hallmark holiday or most romantic day ever?

Well, my inner romantic would like to say it’s the most romantic day ever, because it’s the day after my birthday – LOL – but really, it’s just a Hallmark holiday!

Cupid’s arrow: weapon of mass destruction, or instrument of love?

LOL! I don’t see how an arrow is an instrument of love. I don’t see it as a weapon of mass destruction either, though.

If you are interested in becoming a KMFRC volunteer, please visit the KMFRC Volunteer Page or contact our Volunteer Services Worker, Heather Kotelniski at 613-541-5010 x5195 – she would be happy to discuss our current volunteer opportunities!