KMFRC Volunteer Spotlight: Kim Cooper

By Heather Kotelniski

The Family Networks are part of a Canadian Military Family Resource Centre program that connects Military families with each other, the Member’s unit, and community resources, which helps families deal with the challenges associated with deployment, separation and relocation.

The family Network includes a Unit Liaison Representative and a Volunteer Family Representative, who work with the KMFRC to offer social, informational, care-taking, networking, and morale-building activities. Together, the Unit Rep, Family Rep and KMFRC help families to successfully deal with their unique stressors, while reinforcing overall resilience in navigating the military lifestyle.

May’s volunteer spotlight focuses on a KMFRC Family Rep whose personality echo’s the quote, “the maiden with flaming hair is as fierce as she is fair.” Quick to share a laugh, welcoming and community minded, yet fiercely loyal to her friends and family, she is a vocal advocate for military family needs. We’d like to introduce you to Kim Cooper.

Tell us about yourself…where are you from originally, how long have you been associated with the Military community, married, kids, pets number of postings? Tell us anything you’d like to share!

I am originally from Trenton, Ontario. I have been associated with the Military for my whole life. My father was in the military, my mother’s father was a veteran of World War II, my step fathers parents were both Military veterans, and my husband has served for 29 years.
I have two children, and two grandsons. We have been posted 6 times, shortest posting was three years, and the longest was 5 years.

What do you do when you aren’t volunteering?

When I am not volunteering, I work for the Kawartha Credit Union, where I also volunteer my time for community events. You will find me at every country music concert I can attend as I love country music! I also enjoy getting away to the family cottage or trailer to relax, and spend time with my family.

What is your personal philosophy on life?

My personal philosophy is to live life to the fullest. We only get one life, so be happy, take chances and be the best you can be!

What made you decide to volunteer with the KMFRC?

I decided to volunteer with the MFRC after being posted back to Kingston while my husband was deployed out of the country. The MFRC offered a ton of support to me and I wanted to give back. I felt my experience through our Military life could help me assist other spouses through their military life.

If you could steal credit for any great piece of art, song, film, book etc. which one would you claim?

I would not steal an object, but I would go from concert to concert all across Canada and the US to listen to my favorite country artists and steal joy from their music!

If you had a time machine, what year would you travel to and why?

If I had a time machine, I would travel back in time to meet my father. I would love to know more about him!

What is your favorite Mother’s Day memory?

My favorite Mother’s Day moment was getting handmade cards from the kids, and my husband and children making pancakes for breakfast.

What’s the one thing you would have done differently as a Mom?

Being a Mom can be a difficult job, but also a rewarding one. If I could go do one thing differently as a mother it would be to work less, I feel like I missed out on some of those special moments with both my kids because I worked full time.

Do you think it’s easier or harder to be a new Mom in today’s age?

I think it is definitely harder to be a Mom today. I watch my daughter and daughter-in-law raising their boys and think that there are so many things we never had to worry about as parents. Times were simpler when our children were younger. There seems to be more worries as a parent with the introduction of social media.