KMFRC Volunteer Spotlight: Sheldon Bushey

By Heather Kotelniski

As posting season begins to wind down, and families settle into their new homes, more often than not some type of renovations begin. Some call contractors and others have the skills to tackle the project themselves. At the KMFRC, we consider ourselves very fortunate when a volunteer walks through our doors with superior handyman skills, willing to share their knowledge for our community’s benefit.

From helping Les Petits Amis Childcare Centre to build new toys for the daycare children, to running a wooden end table workshop to promote the proper use of tools; September’s spotlight focuses on one such volunteer. I’d like to introduce you to Sheldon Bushey (or, as we call him at the KMFRC, “Mr. Fix-it!”).

Tell us about yourself: Where you’re from originally, how long you have been in the military, number of postings, if you’re married, have kids or pets…tell us anything you’d like to share!
Born and raised in Newfoundland. Moved to Nova Scotia after high school to start a career in the Military. I had to find work until I got the call, so I started with picking strawberries, then moved onto work at Canadian Tire in New Minas until I was sworn in – that was 19 years ago!

In 2005 I was set up on a blind date with Sara. We hit it off, and she moved with me to Petawawa. In 2007 we got married in Windsor, Nova Scotia, and had a big party – people still talk about it today! We have one dog, Mortimer, who thinks that he is still a puppy. We are now on our fifth posting together, and enjoying every moment.

What do you do when you aren’t working or volunteering?
I like to build things out of wood, or go fishing.

What is your personal philosophy on life?
Take things one day at a time, and stay positive!

What made you decide to volunteer with the KMFRC?
Sara had been volunteering there, and one day needed help with something…can’t remember what, but I liked the feeling of helping out our community, and have been doing it ever since.

You finish these questions, step outside your office, and find a lottery ticket that ends up winning $10 million. What would you do?
I would give some away, keep enough so I don’t have to work anymore, and do lots of traveling.

If you could only choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Ring of Fire

You’re a plumber by trade and a very talented handyman. What is the best piece of renovation advice you could give a military family who has just purchased a home?
Only do what you think can be done in one week, and make sure you can live without that space for that period of time.

What five tools should every family have in their home?
Hammer, drill, screwdriver set, pliers set, socket set…or the phone number of a friend who has everything to borrow!

If you are interested in becoming a KMFRC volunteer, please visit or contact our Volunteer Services Worker, Heather Kotelniski at 613-541-5010 x5195 – she would be happy to discuss our current volunteer opportunities!