March: Message from the Command Team

(Left to right) Christa Snow, HP Manager Jackie LeSarge, HP Specialist Sharon Ash, HP Specialist CWO Flowers, Col Scott Sara Tam, HP Specialist Megan Conchie, HP Specialist Lori Popkie, HP AA for the Garrison News Health Promotion for Nutrition Month of March on 27th of February 2025 at CBF Kingston.

We welcome the month of March with excitement for many reasons. March is often synonymous with renewal, as it is the month when spring begins. This means that winter will soon be behind us and temperatures will slowly rise until summer.

In Canada, March is also Nutrition Month. This year’s theme, Nourish to Flourish Nutrition Month, was chosen to highlight the profound connections between nutrition and overall well-being. Operational readiness starts with a fit and healthy workforce. By combining healthy eating habits with a physical activity program, Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel can achieve better job performance, weight stability, and lifelong health benefits. There will be several events on base, so stay tuned for more information.

During this month, we also celebrate International Women’s Day (IWD) on March 8. It’s a global day to recognize and celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. It’s also a time to highlight the progress made in advancing women’s rights and the ongoing efforts needed to ensure their full participation in all aspects of society. CFB Kingston had a series of events leading up to this day, including:

– On March 5, Personnel Support Programs (PSP) hosted a Women in Sports Conference, featuring incredible speakers who shared their stories and perspectives;

– On March 6, the Military Communications and Electronic Museum hosted a Lunch & Learn with guest speakers; and

– On March 7, the Defence Women’s Advisory Organization (DWAO) in Kingston hosted a Community Connect Expo followed by a Guest Speaker Conference at the Kingston Military Family Resource Centre (KMFRC).

Another important date is March 21, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, which recognizes that the injustices and prejudices fueled by racial discrimination take place every day. It commemorates the day in 1960 when police in Sharpeville, South Africa, opened fire on a peaceful demonstration against apartheid ‘pass laws’, killing 69 people. A special event to commemorate that day will be held in the morning on March 20 at the Military Communications and Electronics Museum, both in-person and virtually.

Finally, we continue to be proud and impressed by the work being done at CFB Kingston, and we hope that many of you will be able to take advantage of the March break to relax with family and friends.