May the 4th be with You

The KMFRC staff love Star Wars…well some of us more than others. So in recognition of May 4 “May the 4th be with you” here are our favourite Star Wars characters.

My fave Star Wars character is actually a species… it’s the Porgs! I think they are super adorable.. they look like penguins crossed with cats and they make fun sounds..

Yoda! Because he’s small but mighty 🙂


  • Han Solo, because he’s the true hero.  He’s not a Jedi, but still managed to help save the world.
  • Chewbacca, because he’s the muscles and has an incredible sense of humour and honour.
  • R2-D2, because he’s so cute and funny.  I love his attitude.
  • Ewoks, because they are so cute, small but so fearless.

My favourite character is Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher). As a young teenager, she was my “girlfriend” although she didn’t know it, or maybe she did as she was probably lots of young teenage boy’s girlfriend. LOL. Today, she is still my favourite character as she symbolizes strength, rebellion, and true female grit.