I am proud and impressed by the resiliency shown by members of the defence team and their families during this period of enhanced COVID-19 measures

They have had to show flexibility in adapting the way they do business while still provide the services and support for which CFB Kingston is known. Their families have had to adapt spouses working for home while home-schooling. The wider Kingston community has also impressed me. Due to the combined efforts of the community the Kingston area has one of the lowest inflection rates in the province.

The good news is there is light at the end of the tunnel. Vaccines are being administered in the community and will have begun on base by the time you read this. We still have to be careful and not let our guard down, but it looks there is an end in sight.

Every February, Canadians are invited to participate in Black History Month festivities and events that honour the legacy of black Canadians, past and present. Though the realities of COVID-19 have limited our ability to hold events, we can still use this time to reflect on what we have achieved and on the injustices so many still face.

Diversity is the foundation on which we build a strong and agile defence team. Within that, there is no place for racism or hateful conduct. We have made great strides, but we must continue to fight for a better, more inclusive world, starting right here at home.

Every single person deserves dignity and respect, and has the right to work in an environment free of hateful conduct and harassment. It is up to each of us to promote a positive, respectful and inclusive work environment.

To learn more about Black History Month, visit www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/campaigns/black-history-month/about.html.

February also means Family Day. This year, it is more important than ever to reach out safely to family and friends. We are all isolated from the people we love in one way or another and it can weigh heavily. Reaching out strengthens the bonds we share and contributes to the emotional and mental health of everyone involved.

Please, keep up the great work you are all doing. This year will still present challenges, but I am confident that the CFB Kingston is more than up to meeting them.